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A quick overview of the Analytics you can work with in Aboard

Daniel Spång avatar
Written by Daniel Spång
Updated over a week ago

You will find the Analytics page in the side panel of your admin portal in your Aboard platform.

Overview Page

The first page you will see is an "Analytics Overviews" page with graphs showing numbers for:

  • Company Growth

  • Diversity: Gender/Age

  • Employees by Department

  • Employees by Workplace

Reports Page

You will also have the option to create custom reports for Employees and Time-Off. These can be customized with the department and workplace you want the report to be connected with.

These reports can be set up to show the specific data relevant to your needs by customizing the columns you want to include in the report.

When these custom reports have been created, you can either download them manually within the report or schedule the report to be sent as an e-mail monthly. You do this by clicking the three dots next to the specific report. Then you can set where you want it to be sent and if you want to schedule the report to be sent out on the first or last day of every month.

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