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Access roles

What access role should I assign my users? Exploring the role of Admin, Manager, and Employee

Kholod Hindi avatar
Written by Kholod Hindi
Updated over a year ago

In Aboard, you can assign three different roles to your Employees. These are:

  • Admin

  • Manager

  • Employee

What's the difference?


An Admin can see all of the different settings on the back end of your account, as well as all of the details of each employee on the system. They can add and edit all new employees, and have total control of all of the various settings available. They are effectively the "superusers" of your account. Typically, this would be your Head of HR. Admins also have access to the Employee Portal.


A Manager also has access to the back end settings of your account, but will only see information relevant to their team. Their team is determined by the "Manager" that is selected when you add a new employee. So if Employee A reports to Employee B and Employee B is listed as the manager, then Employee B will automatically be able to see the details of Employee A. In regards to this Employee, the manager will be able to approve/decline their time off, view their profile, create onboardings, and create 1-on-1 meetings with their team and assign topics and tasks.

Note that if your employee manages another employee, then you will also be able to approve/decline this employee's time off, view their profile, and see any related onboardings.

Managers also have access to the Employee Portal.


An Employee can only access the Employee Portal, and therefore only has access to the options available there. They are unable to amend any settings.

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